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Research Raccoons - Sandfeld FC 22:11

Wintersaison 23/24

Research Raccoons - Sandfeld FC 22 : 11 ( 10 : 6 )

Das Spiel fand statt am: 09.11.2023
Spieltag 9


Research Raccoons: DangerDave, DangerDave, DangerDave, DangerDave, DangerDave, DangerDave, Dennessi, Dennessi, Juliesta, Juliesta, Juliesta, Juliesta, Juliesta, Juliesta, Juliesta, Juliesta, Juliesta, Juliesta, DangerDave, DangerDave, DangerDave, DangerDave

Eingetragen von: Laysandowski am 2023-11-20 15:32:14

Sandfeld FC: JOE, JOE, JOE, JOE, JOE, JOE, Robert, JOE, JOE, Jose, JOE

Eingetragen von: Joe am 2023-11-10 12:27:14


Es sprach: Laysandowski (Research Raccoons) 21.11.2023 07:03
Last Thursday we played with Sandfeld FC at the Sporthalle in Buseck. We started and ended a little late, but no one had the room reserved after us so management was flexible (if I remember correctly). We each played with five on the field; however one of our players was late, so Sandfeld kindly lent us one of theirs for the first ~15 minutes. Neither team could remember the exact score by the end of the game, but we roughly agreed. Our win this day made up for a loss against Sandfeld in a friendly match just a few weeks earlier. We enjoyed the game and look forward to playing Sandfeld again in the future.

Saison ist beendet

Juni 2024
Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa So
          1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Sommersaison 2024

  Team Spiele Pkt
1. FC 2 6
2. Gal 2 6
3. Dar 2 6
4. SSC 1 3
5. Luc 2 3
6. Tea 4 3
7. 1. 2 3
8. Laz 1 3
9. Hal 2 3
10. Gie 3 3
11. Men 0 0
12. GFC 0 0
13. Med 0 0
14. Res 0 0
15. Sau 1 0
16. FC 1 0
17. San 3 0

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